Thursday, 8 August 2013

Stand There and Look Moody

Monoprinted phrases and captions. I'm getting to grips with that board now...


"Oh Baby"

This is a suggestive series completed a couple of years ago.

I love a nice innuendo.


Brace Yourselves

I've had a week off of work and have managed to sort through all my recent work, with the view to somehow taking it one step further.

I have something lined up... We'll see. 

But for now, here are some series' of work:

... enjoy!


Sunday, 3 February 2013

Dear Diary.

Because, apparently, my posts sound like a diary. This one will be lacking in words. 
Just like I am lacking in motivation.

Working on being 'good at sketchbooking'. Its going okay.

How are all of you out there? 


Monday, 14 January 2013


Stockpiling. It's nice bringing all your work together. More has been added since. 
Someone very wise and pretty advised me to make a portfolio. That's what I'm working for at the moment. Its good to have something to aim for.


Romance On Tap

The beginnings of an idea for a series. Romance on Tap is a possible title. 
You may also notice that lips are a recurring theme. Don't think I want to analyse why.

I did not sleep well last night so I feel completely drained. I'm off to paint. 

Happy Monday!


Sunday, 13 January 2013

It All Amounts To This


I haven't done as much as I would like this week. A work/life balance is difficult to get down. So I've only been able to do a few wordy monoprints, and photograph some work in some frames. Such as this:

I need to remember how to use a sketchbook, as keeping one up is one of my new year's resolutions and there is definitely an art to it that you can lose after months of not doing it. 

Have a lovely week!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

He's Very Particular

So, I've spent most of all today scanning. Here is a selection... 

Have a lovely week
