Sunday, 1 May 2011

Paper Crazy.

I'm so sorry that I haven't really posted anything for absolutely ages! I've had a bit of a break over the Easter weekend, as it was my 21st birthday as well, so I felt I should have a few days off! But now, it's all systems go again to prpare for the degree show! As I said a few posts ago, I'm working with paper now. For me, it feels like a much more natural progression from my 2D work. It's a really rewarding and satisfying way to work as well, as I can make costumes in the same way as I make my monoprints and transfers, and really turn them out quickly but effectively - which is how I like to work. In fact, I've been using mono printing and cellulose-ing in abundance for the costumes. I feel very positive about my work now, I just need to keep pushing it and make really exciting pieces. I've also been told that I need to silence the voice that tells me when I need to stop!
Here's some stuff I've made so far:

This is the dress that is closest to completion. It's meant to be representative of the proovocative/erotic side of a person, but both myself and my tutor don't really think it's quite there yet. For my tutor, I think it's mainly because there's so many more shocking things within art that this doesn't even come close. And for me, I don't think that it's raw enough.

I'm considering wearing the plain strapless dress to the opening night of the degree show. If I can be brave enough!

Since deciding to work with paper, I instantly started to make Fortune Tellers (do you remember those from school?). At first they were just something to do whilst I was thinking, but now they've taken on a meaning of their own. With leaving uni and trying to get in to the real world fast approaching, I've been thinking loads about the future and how it's both exciting and scary. So, I'm making lots and lots of Fortune Tellers and they're going to be an element of the final dress I make:

This is the dress I'm working on right now (I'm just waiting for some glue to dry):
It's about putting on a front, and having a attitude that completely betrays how you feel inside.

I have a group tutorial on Wednesday. I want to have this dress and at least one more finished by then - I'll keep you posted. I hope everyone's had a wonderful Easter! There's been so many bank holidays it's been great! And the Royal Wedding was so lovely.
Talk to you soon!

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